Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Alcoholic Beverage Sales & Marketing Agency

The Liberty Lighthouse Group (LLG) is an alcoholic beverage sales and marketing Agency. LLG’s key objective is to support its Brand Companies to either establish new brands or to further support established brands throughout Asia/Pacific distribution channels.

LLG focuses 100% of its energy in developing spirit brands from the Americas and European Union, with the best Asia/Pacific distributors.

The Spirits brands that LLG represent will offer its regional distributors, retailers and consumers a new perspective (an edge) when selling, promoting, and most importantly drinking their new favorite alcoholic beverage.

In return, LLG fully expect its regional distributors to be brand builders, to be positive, to be constructive, when developing plans for promotions, addressing sales and resolving any issues in utter professionalism.

LLG focuses its Sales & Marketing efforts on a market by market basis. In other words: "the Right Brands with the Right Distributors in the Right Market." EFM.

Cutting Edge Brands

  • Shake up the Category
  • Offer a unique drinking proposition to its consumers.
  • Offer unique and stylish packaging.
  • Premium quality, new variance, new style, new brands in the Spirits category.
  • Specifically targets 'A-B' segment of the Asia/Pacific Populations.
  • Once tasted always remembered.
  • Offers Asian consumers 'Face' amongst their peers.

'Face' : An Asian term: addressing a behavior, a form of respect towards others or identifies one’s style, fashion, knowledge, and what is outwardly projected or the products they associate or share.